When you speak of your work, you talk about history by also about memory. How do you think your work activates and relates ti these subjects? I personally see these pieces as digging into the confused layers of our memory by consolidating à cross-section. Your work seems to create a space within the layers where images come to life, as if directly emerging from our memory. the drawings tend to add them up in a level of decentralized landscapes, in series. And the etchings tend to mix them up in overlapping layers.

I see several categories of expression in what we call “memory”. One would be literary, symbolic, documentary. There are the images and the historic events the express, or from Art History , that I activate. The others is a more personal domain, all that I activate. The other is a more personal domain, all that I have experienced in my personal history and life. And then there is a more existentialist category, that of layers that accumulate and overlap, and that of stratums that add up like the crust of a layered pastry. These layers intermesh passing restrictions of time of my own life line or even that of history. They touch on an initial,timeless. But everything gets mixed up in the process. I do not have any difficulty considering  that my works constitutes confusion…